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Where Can I Find a Ghostwriter (for business executives)?


Most business executives operate with a scarcity of time. If you are a busy leader, you don’t have the luxury of spending hours pouring over words when you could be attending to other important tasks. Having a ghostwriter in your corner can be an invaluable asset. Where do you start looking for a professional ghostwriter?

What Is a Ghostwriter?

A ghostwriter writes articles or other content for someone else with the understanding that they will not be credited as the author. A ghostwriter may be hired by businesses and executives to create content like blog posts, newsletters, speeches, and even books without taking any credit for their work.

The Benefits of Hiring Professional Ghostwriters

Hiring an executive ghostwriter allows business leaders to save time while still producing quality content. If you’re looking to produce thought leadership pieces that convey your personality and vision accurately, then hiring a ghostwriter is the way to go. A professional writer can help you deliver well-crafted and engaging content without putting in all the hard work yourself. Plus, an experienced ghostwriter ensures that whatever work you put into the world bears only your name—and no one else’s! They understand the publishing process and have the creativity and discipline to reach your target audience meaningfully.

A top-notch ghostwriter embodies each client’s voice and understands that no two leaders are alike. They can handle various writing projects and have a professional process that makes it easy for busy executives to stay involved without compromising their schedule or productivity.

How To Find a Professional Ghostwriter and Ghostwriting Services

Finding an experienced and reliable ghostwriter isn’t always easy. Your best bet is to ask for a personal referral. Many leaders hire help and may be willing to share their secret sauce with you. Another option is to use an online platform like, where talented freelancers post their skills and experience for potential clients to review. You can also find writers on LinkedIn or through local networking events or industry groups. If you are a celebrity, there are dedicated ghostwriters available to help you with book writing or other high-profile ghostwriting projects.

When searching for a professional ghostwriter, remember to read reviews from previous clients before making any hires! This will ensure that whoever you choose has the necessary skills to produce quality content in your name—no matter what type of project it may be. Independent executive communications firms like Phenomenal Writing is another option. We have served clients at companies like Amazon, Cisco, GE, UPS, Beachbody and more. We are not your typical writers. We are professional writers with decades of experience working with high-profile leaders who expect superior work. Our writing services are always tailored to suit and reflect your unique vision and personality while always reflecting your corporate brand.

How Much Do Ghostwriters Cost?

Ghostwriting fees for a quality writer vary widely depending on the level of experience of the writer and the type of project that needs to be completed. Many writers typically charge by the hour or by the project, so you can expect to pay between $100-$300 per hour or more for experienced writers. This cost can increase if your project requires specialized knowledge, research, or in-depth interviews.

If you hire an executive communications firm like Phenomenal Writing, retainer relationships are often offered. This fee structure can reduce the overall rate in exchange for a long-term relationship that affords you significant discounts and exclusivity. We don’t get hung up on word count and often charge a flat fee for our ghostwriting services.

Be wary of cheap ghostwriters on sites like Fivver. Some may be okay and offer low rates to get their portfolio going. However, a good ghostwriter’s time is just as important as yours, and they will require a rate that compensates them for their expertise and professionalism. Beginner ghostwriters are not ideal for prominent executives. They may even charge a “by the word fee,” which puts unnecessary constraints on your web content and content marketing strategy.

What Kind of Writing Projects Can a Ghostwriter Handle?

Experienced and professional ghostwriting services can handle just about any writing project, from blog posts to books to social media copy and everything in between. Here are just a few of the many projects that our ghostwriting team has taken on:

Blogs and custom content marketing

Articles for traditional publishing


Research Reports


Email Copy

Press Releases

Business Letters

Social Media Content

White Papers and the extensive research required

Query letters

Nonfiction book chapter edits (for style and organization)

Executive Ghostwriters vs. Freelance Writers – Is There a Difference?

Freelance writers are just that—freelance. They may be skilled at their craft, but they aren’t dedicated solely to you as an individual client and often work on multiple projects at once for multiple clients. An executive communications firm like Phenomenal Writing is different. We are a team of skilled and experienced writers who work with individual clients exclusively, ensuring that our writing skills are put to their best use. At the same time, your message is always consistent and professional. We specialize in working with corporate executives.

Investing in a professional ghostwriter is invaluable if you are pressed for time but still need quality content produced quickly and accurately in your name! With many talented writers available on platforms like Upwork or LinkedIn – finding one should never be difficult! Just read reviews before making any hires and ensure they have the skills necessary to produce quality content under your name! Now get out there and find an amazing writer who can take care of all your writing needs so you can focus on more important aspects of running your business!